
Gentle Leader vs. Prong Collar

gentle Leader vs. prong collar (pinch collar)

That Mutt is supportive of a range of dog training methods. This is not about “one vs. the other” however instead focuses on a few of the pros & cons of different kinds of collars.

There is no dog training collar that is right for each dog.

I have suggested every type of dog training collar to somebody at some point. Every dog is different, as well as every owner is different. What works for my dog is not necessarily going to work for your dog.

I don’t admire dog fitness instructors who try to push a single tool on everyone.

Every type of dog training collar has its location for the right dog in the right situation. This does not mean it’s right for YOUR dog or my dog.

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Some of those tools to stop a dog’s pulling include:

Pinch/prong collars
Gentle Leaders
No-pull harness
Martingale collar
Chain slip collars

Most dogs are going to respond well to a strong, fun leader who utilizes positive reinforcement together with moderate “corrections.”

The two collars I want to focus on for this publish are the gentle Leader as well as the pinch (prong) collar. They are extremely different tools however are a few of the most typical tools suggest for strong pullers.

Remember that both tools are just that – training tools. They will not magically stop most dogs from pulling. We still have to put in the work.

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Gentle Leader vs. pinch collar

The gentle Leader is marketed as a gentle choice to be used over a dog’s muzzle, similar to a equine halter.

The gentle Leader is designed to prevent pulling since if the dog handler controls the dog’s head, he controls the dog.

A pinch (prong) collar is usually constructed out of metal as well as has flat prongs distributed evenly around the collar. It should be used high on the dog’s neck, right under his chin, as well as behind his ears.

When the dog pulls, the owner can provide a slight “correction” by pulling up or to the side. This correction is not designed to cause pain. It is meant to redirect a dog’s attention.

Let me explain what I like as well as don’t like about each of these collars. I hope to disprove a few of the assumptions about each.

In a great deal of ways, these tools work extremely much the exact same even though they look significantly different. Both the gentle Leader as well as the prong collar make pulling somewhat uncomfortable for the dog in order to motivate him to stop pulling.

Gentle Leader for dog training

When I was mentor my mutt Ace to walk well on a leash, I utilized the gentle Leader in some circumstances as well as a pinch collar in others.

With my present dog, a Weimaraner named Remy, I am when once again utilizing both tools.

What I like about the gentle Leader

Reason #1: The gentle Leader assists some dogs stay calm

I utilize a gentle Leader when I want to assist the dog calm down. It’s a great tool to utilize when I want to bring my dog along however may be preoccupied.

However, most dogs do freak out a bit when they very first have something over their muzzle area. So it’s important to slowly desensitize your dog to using a gentle Leader utilizing treats. Don’t just slap it on as well as head out for a walk or he will most likely paw at it the whole time, trying to get it off.

By slowly introducing the gentle Leader over a number of days, you will assist your dog see it as a positive experience.

So, back to being calm …

Once the dog is utilized to the gentle Leader, the tool enables me to relax as well as just enjoy costs time with my dog in hectic situations.

Ace with the gentle Leader

For example, if I’m walking my dog downtown while speaking with a buddy as well as holding a coffee in one hand, the gentle Leader is available in handy. It enables me to “check out” a bit from dog training.

My dog Ace was anxious in the car, as well as the gentle Leader worked to assist him chill out a bit. The material around his muzzle calmed him as well as put him in a less excited state of mind.

As one more example, my foster dog was feeling stressed out at an adoption event we attended. He was barking at me as well as having problem settling down. When I put his gentle Leader on him, he was able to lie down next to me as well as relax.

Reason #2: The gentle Leader stops a dog from making those “choking” sounds

The gentle Leader is likewise a great tool to keep my dog from pulling as well as making those “choking” noises.

Remy is a great example of achien qui se étrangle pratiquement sur un collier régulier en nylon. Il est tellement excité, haletant, tirant, ainsi que «étouffant» qu’il déclenche d’autres chiens pour devenir extrêmement agités.

Lorsque Remy porte un leader doux, cela élimine ses bruits haletants et étouffants d’environ 90%. Quand il est silencieux, les autres chiens sont moins susceptibles de réagir.

Étant donné que Remy découvre encore exactement comment ignorer les autres chiens pendant les promenades, tout ce qui lui aide à fournir une énergie plus calme est une grande chose.

Si Remy est calme et paisible lors des promenades, alors les promenades sont beaucoup plus agréables! Cela signifie qu’il peut faire plus de promenades!

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Ce que je n’aime pas chez le leader doux

Raison n ° 1: Le leader doux peut faire pression sur le nez d’un chien ainsi que les yeux

Tout col peut être dangereux si le chien tire pendant une période prolongée.

Le leader doux n’est pas toujours un outil sans risque pour les tireurs extrêmes.

Les leaders doux sont-ils cruels?

Non, ils ne sont pas cruels. Le leader doux est commercialisé comme une option humaine, ainsi que pour la plupart, cela est vrai.

Cependant, lorsqu’un chien tire extrêmement difficile pendant une période de temps prolongée, le mince morceau de nylon sur son nez commence à exercer une méthode aussi beaucoup sur l’accord du chien ainsi que sous ses yeux.

Les chiens qui sont tellement concentrés sur l’avenir n’ont pas suffisamment de sens pour cesser de tirer, même s’ils souffrent. La douleur peut même les faire tirer plus fort, car ils essaient de faire en sorte que la douleur.

Les chiens excités ne comprennent pas toujours exactement comment se calmer et rationaliser ce qui se passe.

Exemple avec mon chien d’accueil utilisant le leader doux

Par exemple, une fois, j’ai pris Foster Dog Cosmo pour une promenade plus longue que d’habitude. Il a utilisé son doux leader. Quand nous sommes revenus, il plissait ses yeux pour le reste de la nuit depuis de la pression que le leader doux avait causé.

J’étais vraiment inquiet d’avoir endommagé ses yeux en permanence! J’étais en colère contre moi-même de ne pas m’arrêter pendant la promenade et de passer à son col de routine.

Heureusement, Cosmo aux yeux d’insectes allait bien le lendemain matin. Pourtant, l’incident était suffisant pour que je repense le leader doux. Maintenant, je tourne le collier que j’utilise lorsque je marche sur des chiens spécifiques.

Pour des promenades plus courtes, un leader doux peut être bien. Pour des promenades plus longues, le collier de pincement peut être meilleur.

Et juste pour mémoire, le collier Halti Head est un outil similaire au leader doux, mais il est conçu beaucoup mieux et ne met généralement pas beaucoup de pression sur le nez ou les yeux d’un chien.

Il a également une sangle de sécurité qui relie au col typique du chien juste dans la situation, il sort du Halti. Pour plus d’informations, inspectez ma publication en comparant le leader Halti vs Gentle.

Raison n ° 2: le leader doux n’enseigne pas à un chien à arrêter de tirer

Pour de nombreux chiens, le doux leader est un «pansement» si vous ne travaillez pas activement pour vraiment former votre chien.

Par cela, je veux dire que beaucoup de chiens découvrent de ne pas tirer tant qu’ils utilisent le leader doux. Dès que vous l’éliminez, ils reviennent tout de suite à tirer.

Ce n’est pas la fin du monde tant que vous allez bien en utilisant le leader doux chaque fois que vous ne voulez pas que votre chien tire. Si vous voulez finalement sevrer votre chien du doux leader, essayez de travailler activement sur la marche «talon» ou en tête lâche.

C’est une des raisons pour lesquelles j’utilise le doux leader dans certaines circonstances ainsi que le collier de broche dans d’autres situations.

Mon objectif est toujours d’arriver au point où aucun collier d’entraînement n’est nécessaire du tout, ainsi que je le découvre plus facile de passer du collier de broche vers un collier de routine, car les deux en forme autour du cou du chien.

Raison # 3: Certains chiens n’aiment pas utiliser un leader doux

La plupart des chiens n’ont aucun type de problèmes avec un collier de pincement car ils sont utilisés pour avoir un collier autour de leur cou. Cependant, beaucoup de chiens n’aiment pas avoir quelque chose au-dessus de leur nez / visage.

Mon Mutt as a beaucoup fermé ses portes à la vue de son doux leader. Sa queue allait entre ses jambes, ainsi qu’il détourna les yeux. Quand il avait le leader doux aussi bien que nous allions nous promener, il allait bien, mais il m’a toujours évité à chaque fois que je le sortais.

Mon chien Remy dirige également l’autre méthode quand il me voit saisir le leader doux. Cependant, si je fais sortir le collier de broche, il est excité ainsi que la course!

Comme je l’ai dit plus tôt, certains chiens ont vraiment manifesté une manifestation, se pathlant sur leur nez et frottant leur accord sur le terrain pour tenter de retirer le leader doux.

C’est pourquoi il est important de désensibiliser lentement à votre chien à utiliser cet outil en utilisant des friandises.

Raison n ° 4: vous ne pouvez pas fournir un Dog a leash correction while she’s using a gentle Leader

There are circumstances where I prefer to provide a dog a moderate leash “correction” (tug on the lash) for training purposes.

The gentle Leader is not designed for corrections. In fact, you might potentially hurt their neck by tugging on the gentle Leader, although this is unlikely.

Pinch collar for dog training (also called a prong collar)

What I like about the Herm Sprenger prong collar

I suggest the Herm Sprenger brand of prong collar as it’s the very best quality.

Reason #1: The prong collar enables you to provide the dog a gentle correction

If my dog is focused on a odor or one more dog during a walk, all he needs is gentle tug on the leash as well as prong collar to re-direct his attention.

This is not meant to frighten him or cause pain. It’s just a reminder to get him to focus on the task at hand – walking. kind of like a tap on the shoulder, like, “Hi, keep in mind me?”

Usually my dog’s response to one of these tugs looks something like, “Ha, sorry. J’ai été distrait!”

I tug on his leash so carefully that I believe it is really the slight noise of the chain moving that gets his attention, not the feeling of the prongs on his neck. Remember, these prong are FLAT.

Reason #2: The prong collar will assist teach a dog not to pull

The pinch collar fits around a dog’s neck like a normal, nylon collar. This makes it simple to ultimately shift the dog from the pinch collar to a nylon collar.

My dog Ace

When I was mentor Ace to heel, I would have him wear his nylon collar as well as his prong collar at the exact same time. That method I might switch his leash to one collar or the other as appropriate.

For example, if Ace was walking nicely, I’d clip his leash to his nylon collar. If we saw one more dog approaching, I would clip his leash to the pinch collar.

What I don’t like about the pinch collar

Reason #1: The links on the pinch collar might break apart

I’ve seen a few pinch collars come apart since one of the prongs was bent. This should not occur if you buy a top quality Herm Sprenger prong collar.

I had a cheaper brand for a few years as well as ours did break apart on a walk when or twice. Luckily, Ace had no rate of interest in running away. When his pinch collar fell off, he just stood there looking at me. “Well, aren’t you gonna pick that up?”

Reason #2: The pinch collar gets caught in long hair

I didn’t like the prong collar for my foster dog was since it didn’t seem to work with his thick fur. He was an American Eskimo dog.

It works much better on my dog Remy the weimaraner, who has extremely short fur. I’d like to hear some other opinions on this.

Reason #3: The pinch collar can hurt a dog if it is not utilized properly

Is a prong collar cruel?

The prong collar is absolutely not cruel. It is a humane training tool.

However, I don’t utilize a pinch collar on a dog unless I am calm. If I am frustrated with a dog, I may be as well lured to provide the dog a harsher tug on the leash. This is not what the pinch collar is for.

I likewise see as well many dog owners who do not utilize the pinch collar as a training tool. They just location it around the lower part of a dog’s neck as well as hope for the best.

But the pinch collar is designed to be used high on the dog’s neck, right behind her ears as well as under her chin. If the pinch collar is used on the thickest part of the dog’s neck, it will be as well simple for her to pull.

The pinch collar should be utilized as a tool to prevent pulling, not to just make the pulling more tolerable for the person.

Reason #4: sensitive dogs might overreact to a pinch collar

Cosmo yelped the very first couple of times I corrected him with the pinch collar even though I was cautious not to be harsh. He was so sensitive that any type of correction at all scared him.

He likewise reacted aggressively a few times by biting the leash. This is why some people state a prong collar can make a dog’s aggression worse.

This is not the situation with most steady dogs however can trigger a reaction from sensitive dogs like Cosmo. He would sometimes react on his routine nylon collar as well. I believe his “temper tantrum

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